The IRS uses several collection activities to get back tax debts owed by taxpayers. A bank levy can cause a lot of damage for people who fail to pay their state and federal taxes. In a bank levy, the IRS seizes your bank account funds to cover your tax debt. Usually, the IRS will first contact your bank to notify it about your tax debt. Then your bank will freeze your account for 21 days from the time of the notice.
If you do not take any action to resolve your tax debt during that period, the bank will send the money taken from your account that you owe to the IRS. This could be your entire account balance. An IRS bank levy is typically considered the last line of attack by the IRS. You will only be subject to this collection method if the IRS has contacted you several times without getting any response.
We Help You Find the Best Tax Solution
At Showalter CPA, we understand that IRS tax problems can significantly affect your day-to-day life, business, and most importantly, your financial stability. If you have received a bank levy notice, we will carefully evaluate your overall financial situation and come up with a solid plan to help you find the best tax solution. We do our best to have your bank levy released using several effective tax resolution methods to avoid the seizure of your bank account. The many different options include:
Applying for the Fresh Start Program
Preparing an installment agreement
Preparing a partial payment agreement
Preparing an Offer in Compromise
Negotiating for an affordable payment plan
Releasing the bank levy
Call for a Free Consultation at (605) 545-1464
If you feel that an IRS bank levy is likely to create a financial crisis, or you learn that the IRS has already frozen your bank accounts, you should seek immediate tax relief help. If a bank levy would cause significant financial hardship, the IRS may release the levy. Our dedicated and caring bank levy accountants will work with you to assess your financial situation and present your case to the IRS to get the bank levy released.
At Showalter CPA, we always encourage potential clients to resolve their tax debts as early as they can. Do not let the IRS take away your bank accounts. Talk to our knowledgeable tax resolution accountants to help you find the most reliable solution to end your tax debt problems. Call our office at (605) 545-1464. Request a free consultation to discuss your bank levy concerns today.
The Dreaded Letter from the IRS
If you have received a tax notice, IRS letter, audit notice, or other tax correspondence from the IRS, a state agency, or a local agency, it can be difficult to know what to do next. We frequently represent clients with IRS penalties, interest, and taxes due, and we can help you, too. We have worked on items such as IRS Offers in Compromise and Penalty Abatements.
The Tax Help You Need
If you are ready to face your tax problems, we are here for you. We can help you relieve that huge stressful burden, so you feel lighter and free from all that stress. Do not face your tax issues alone. Our trained and certified tax professionals work diligently to find the best outcome we can on your tax issues. Turn to the Showalter CPA Firm, and let us put our tax resolution services to work for you. Call now for more information or to schedule a consultation at (605) 545-1464.